
"As I Wake" Part 2

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Now, let’s get back to me present day.  I’m having these weird dreams about this prisoner… 56-412. All the prisoner is doing is sleeping and eating. There is a report file, I open it and it has previous recordings… it looks like people have been doing this for a couple of days now. For all I know I could be recording 56-412 for a few days or even months… its whatever the SAT government wants me to do. So, I start watching the prisoner with my hands hovering the keys on the computer. 56-412 finally moves, but only to roll over... I never thought this would be so boring. I start copying how he/she breathes, there is data that says if start kind of acting like the prisoners do it helps understand and record them. I stay up so late that night studying the prisoner and trying to wait for my life to truly begin... I then close my eyes. I wake up to my mom asking me if I want to look at old scrapbooks of Ava’s friends and memories… the doctor said it will help me try to remember things since I have long term Amnesia. After looking at the scrapbooks for a couple of days, Mrs. Hanson asks me if I want to go to school. If I didn’t want to go then a group of special doctors at the university hospital wanted to see me. So, knowing me I chose school, and Ava’s mom was so happy… she said something about ‘they’ wanting to see me. I replied, “Who?”, she then sadly blinks and says “Yours friend’s”. I don’t remember but she shows me a scrapbook that says, “BFF’S FOR LIFE”, she then opens the scrapbook and shows me three other girls…their names are Olivia, Greer, and Sophie. I don’t remember them for my life…

Scott, Elizabeth. As I wake. Vol. 5-15, Penguin Group (USA), 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely shared. Read your writing out loud whenever you can. It helps a writer hear the musicality of the writing. Good writing should be articulate - the next challenge is to make writing that sounds beautiful as well. Strive for musicality in your writing. Visit the website and read insight #4: http://www.hughhowey.com/writing-insights-part-one-becoming-a-writer/
