
"As I Wake"

BLOG 1/3

            My name is Ava Hanson, well that is what my mom says…see one day I just woke up all of a sudden and didn’t know where I was. The room didn’t look familiar at all… so I went downstairs and they were SO soft. Just like the bedroom, it is all familiar but I can’t tell where I am. When I got to the end of the stairs it was wooden floor, it was so dark just like upstairs. There is another door it’s to my left. I walk slowly towards it… there is finally light, I see my feet; they don’t seem like mine…I may be dreaming. I’m totally dreaming, I have to be everything is familiar but it doesn’t seem right. I finally find open the door, it leads outside, its nighttime around 12a.m. the stars shine so bright, its beautiful. I still don’t know where I am. There are most stairs that are lit up by a streetlight. I eventually walk down a road and I jump into the grass because there was a car going by; the grass was cold and wet. A strange man walks up to me and says
“What did you take?”, he then said my mother said I was in all night but I don’t remember who she is. The strange women said OhGod too much, and said Ava… I didn’t know who that was so I said, “Ava?”. My so-called mother said to the man to take me to the hospital…
Scott, Elizabeth. As I wake. Vol. 1-4, Penguin Group (USA), 2012.


  1. The ending of this blog is confusing. I am wondering if that was intentional because your character is also confused. Or is this unintentional? The balance of confusing enough to show a character is confused and balancing the needs of the reader to understand is a difficult balance to achieve. This description make me want to read the book. Well done.
