
As I Wake part 3

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    On September 27th, during class Sophy looks at me a lot… like she is staring at me and then after she is done she looks at Olivia, like she hates me. So, I start staring back her and my heart pounds like crazy. I look at one of Ava’s diary’s, it has her and Sophy’s messages cramped on the sides, they were saying they were sick of Olivia, Greer, and A (whoever that is). Then, Sophy said to her that she wanted to get rid of them but they couldn’t. Then after I read a little more there was a note in a bold message saying, “I could.”. I couldn’t figure out who said it, it wasn’t Ava’s nor Sophy’s. The next day I try to be friendly to Sophy but I don’t know how to talk like people on movies do. So therefore, we had a very intense silence, no one but Sophy and I know what was happening. Sophy then smiles at me, it puts me into a positive mood about the situation. There was still something wrong with her, I don’t know how Greer never figured it out but she has anger in her eyes, fear and strong, vicious anger. Later that week I hang out with jane. After she asks me about how I’m doing, I ask her what happened to Sophy. She reacted like it was an uneasy subject, like I should have already known. After she looks at me like I’m crazy she looks at me and says she heard she is in trouble but no one knows…
Scott, Elizabeth. As I wake. Vol. 25-45, Speak/Penguin, 2012.


"As I Wake"

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            My name is Ava Hanson, well that is what my mom says…see one day I just woke up all of a sudden and didn’t know where I was. The room didn’t look familiar at all… so I went downstairs and they were SO soft. Just like the bedroom, it is all familiar but I can’t tell where I am. When I got to the end of the stairs it was wooden floor, it was so dark just like upstairs. There is another door it’s to my left. I walk slowly towards it… there is finally light, I see my feet; they don’t seem like mine…I may be dreaming. I’m totally dreaming, I have to be everything is familiar but it doesn’t seem right. I finally find open the door, it leads outside, its nighttime around 12a.m. the stars shine so bright, its beautiful. I still don’t know where I am. There are most stairs that are lit up by a streetlight. I eventually walk down a road and I jump into the grass because there was a car going by; the grass was cold and wet. A strange man walks up to me and says
“What did you take?”, he then said my mother said I was in all night but I don’t remember who she is. The strange women said OhGod too much, and said Ava… I didn’t know who that was so I said, “Ava?”. My so-called mother said to the man to take me to the hospital…
Scott, Elizabeth. As I wake. Vol. 1-4, Penguin Group (USA), 2012.

"As I Wake" Part 2

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Now, let’s get back to me present day.  I’m having these weird dreams about this prisoner… 56-412. All the prisoner is doing is sleeping and eating. There is a report file, I open it and it has previous recordings… it looks like people have been doing this for a couple of days now. For all I know I could be recording 56-412 for a few days or even months… its whatever the SAT government wants me to do. So, I start watching the prisoner with my hands hovering the keys on the computer. 56-412 finally moves, but only to roll over... I never thought this would be so boring. I start copying how he/she breathes, there is data that says if start kind of acting like the prisoners do it helps understand and record them. I stay up so late that night studying the prisoner and trying to wait for my life to truly begin... I then close my eyes. I wake up to my mom asking me if I want to look at old scrapbooks of Ava’s friends and memories… the doctor said it will help me try to remember things since I have long term Amnesia. After looking at the scrapbooks for a couple of days, Mrs. Hanson asks me if I want to go to school. If I didn’t want to go then a group of special doctors at the university hospital wanted to see me. So, knowing me I chose school, and Ava’s mom was so happy… she said something about ‘they’ wanting to see me. I replied, “Who?”, she then sadly blinks and says “Yours friend’s”. I don’t remember but she shows me a scrapbook that says, “BFF’S FOR LIFE”, she then opens the scrapbook and shows me three other girls…their names are Olivia, Greer, and Sophie. I don’t remember them for my life…

Scott, Elizabeth. As I wake. Vol. 5-15, Penguin Group (USA), 2012.